
25 of the Funniest Tweets of the Week (So Far) January 25, 2024

Barbie this, Barbie that. When are we gonna talk about the real Oscar snub: Oppenheimer’s sassy little hat?

This week Twitter has been a children's jungle gym after the Oscar nominations were announced. But if you're a cool person who has regular opinions about movies then you may have barely avoided the ugly discourses that plagued film Twitter. But Oscar snub talk gets boring and you just need fresh and funny tweets to get through the week.

One user boasted about only ever wearing lingerie so that her man could see a Victoria's Secret model before bed. Other users chimed in with what their boyfriends see before they go to bed: their girlfriend dressed as Soulja Boy circa 2006 and their girlfriend giving them a knuckle sandwich as a midnight snack. 

The Super Bowl is slowly approaching which means everyone is getting a quick refresher on how to read Roman numerals just before game time. But more importantly, as this month comes to an end, we look forward to next month. Which means preparing all the hotep memes you have in your storage folders.

Scroll down and learn what image is hidden in the new Dune poster. 

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